- 21 November, 2023
Navigating Year-End Stress: Managing Incontinence and Staying Healthy
Living with incontinence can be challenging, but it doesn't mean giving up on the quality of life you deserve. Millions of people around the world deal with incontinence, and while it may bring some unique challenges, there are ways to manage it effectively and continue enjoying life to the fullest.
- 24 October, 2023
Living with Incontinence: Embracing Life’s Changes with Clemens™
Living with incontinence can be challenging, but it doesn't mean giving up on the quality of life you deserve. Millions of people around the world deal with incontinence, and while it may bring some unique challenges, there are ways to manage it effectively and continue enjoying life to the fullest.
- 8 March, 2023
Symptoms and types of bladder weakness
Bladder weakness is a common problem. It occurs more often as people get older and is twice as common in women as in men occurring in about 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men.
- 8 March, 2023
Living with bladder weakness
The first thing to know is that you are not alone. One in four women and one in seven men experience bladder weakness.
- 8 March, 2023
Causes and risk factors for bladder weakness
Bladder weakness can be caused by everyday habits, underlying medical conditions or physical problems.
- 8 March, 2023
Can bladder weakness be treated?
The answer is “Yes it can”. Treatment for bladder weakness will depend on the type, its severity and the cause.